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Policies & Terms of Service

updated October 9, 2011

Please read through our policies carefully. We believe that these are fair and to the point. Adherence to these few and simple policies will help to make our professional relationship the best it can be.

Any and all quotes given are good for 30 (thirty) days only.
After 30 days, ALL quotes will be reconsidered.

Client Responsibilities

At any given time, we are working with upwards of 6+ clients at once. We answer email as quickly as humanly possible and of course, answer emergency or uber important emails immediately upon reading them. If you have emailed or contacted us and have not received an answer, please consider how long it has been. If it's been 5 minutes or fewer, please give us a bit more time.

We are not copywriters. If we happen to catch an error in your text we will fix it. However, it is your responsibility to provide us with text that is in final form and web ready. We do not provide copywriting services.

If you are unhappy about something, please discuss this with us calmly. Calling or emailing and hurling obscenities, insults, or disparaging remarks is not going to cause us to drop what we're doing and run to your aid. In fact, if you want to get shoved to the back of the line (or fired!) - this is the fastest possible means of getting there. We treat all our clients fairly and professionally and we expect the same professional courtesy from each of our clients. Your payment to us is for web development. We are not trained monkeys nor are we whipping boys (or girls!) for hire. Remember - it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. And when life gives you limes - make a limeade instead!

Hiring Other Developers

We are responsible for the work we do and that work only. Should you hire someone else to work on your site and that results in breakage of what we've done, we are not responsible for this and you will be billed accordingly to fix it. In addition, when you hire us, you're hiring us. We're "monogamous" and while we can and do regularly work well with others, having multiple peeps working your site at the same time never ends well. So if you decide to hire others, we'll consider our work finished.

Client Delays

If, at any time during the time we are working on your project, you become unreachable for any length of time, and do not notify us of this, please be advised that your project will be placed on hold. When you do return, you will have to wait until any current sprojects are finished before yours is picked up again and finalized. We cannot stress enough how important good communication is during this process. One simple email can avoid a whole host of problems.

Before site work will commence, all all required information must be in hand. It is your responsibility to make sure have required information to us in a timely manner as we will not work on your site before this information is presented to us. If you are going to need extra time, you must inform us as delays in this step tend to have a domino effect and will cut into the next job. Delays on your part will only lengthen this process.


A chargeback is an unacceptable method of attempting to obtain a refund. As the majority of chargebacks are done after the work is finished or well on the road to completion, any chargeback will be viewed as fraud and handled accordingly. We have a zero tolerance policy on this matter and will not hesitate to notify the proper authorities or take legal action to make sure that we are not defrauded in this manner.


We do not accept photographs, articles, blocks of text, page layouts, design ideas or anything else that has obviously been taken or plagiarized from another site. This is illegal. We also will not copy any other exisiting site nor take any elements from any other site that you do not own.

Refusal of Service

RedLime Web reserves the right to refuse service to any person or business engaged in the adult industry, racist or anti-american propaganda, or anything else that may be deemed unacceptable or unsuitable for children. RedLime Web reserves the right to determine what constitutes unacceptable or unsuitable content and to refuse service to any person or business we choose. If you have an adult-related website, don't even bother asking. The answer will always be NO.